
Analyze impacts with world-renowned datasets.

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The methodology will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis.


Landgriffon is built on open access data produced by leading researchers, NGOs, and government programs such as Copernicus, making it easier for you to take advantage of this scientific knowledge.

Data providers:

  • GFW
  • GFW
  • WWF
  • satelligence
  • WRI
  • water-footprint-network
  • mapspam
  • FAO
  • aqueduct
  • earthstat



Farm-level indicators estimate the impacts resulting from the production of agricultural products.

These impacts are measured by layering environmental indicators with your inputted data, whether that is exact producer locations, a weighted map of commodity production, or country level sourcing.

Farm level
  • Water use.

    Blue water footprint (water consumption).

    Source: Water Footprint Network.

  • Unsustainable water use.

    Water use in high water stress regions.

    Source: Aqueduct, water use.

  • Land use.

    Total land used for agricultural production.

    Source: MapSPAM, EarthStat, FAOSTAT.

  • Custom farm-level indicators.

    Add data sources or adjust metrics to better measure your business impacts.

Land- scape level

Landscape level indicators include impacts resulting from the conversion of natural ecosystems to productive agriculture.

As direct attribution of ecosystem conversion is difficult to track at large scales, landscape level indicators are measured as an indirect risk of land conversion that occurs within 50 km of a supplier aggregation point (e.g. Silo, Mill) or within a weighted 50 km buffer around commodity agricultural areas within the jurisdiction you source from.

Farm level
  • Deforestation.

    Hectares of forest loss within 50km of sourcing regions scaled by land use impact.

    Source: Satelligence, Global Forest Watch, land use.

  • Biodiversity.

    Hectares of high biodiversity habitat converted within 50km of sourcing regions.

    Source: WWF, deforestation.

  • Land carbon.

    Tons of carbon associated with forest loss within 50km of sourcing regions.

    Source: Satelligence, Global Forest Watch, deforestation.

  • Future deforestation risk.

    Index of areas likely to be deforested within 50km of sourcing regions.

    Source: Satelligence.

  • Custom landscape level indicators.

    Add data sources or adjust metrics to better measure your business impacts.

Share your thoughts

We believe sector-wide transformation will come from sharing knowledge and expertise. That is why our code is open-source and our science is open and transparent. We welcome any input and feedback you would like to share with us.

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